As árvores como símbolo do processo social e da identidade coletiva
RIVAL, Laura
“Trees, from symbols of life and regeneration to political artifacts” In:
RIVAL, Laura (Org.)
(1998) The social life of trees – anthropological perspectives on tree symbolism. Oxford:Berg.
001: “From its beginnings, anthropology has concerned itself as much with the ways in which natural processes are conceptualized and the natural world classified, as with the ways in which human societies interact with their natural environment and use natural resources. Anthropologists have long debated the fact that cultures as symbolic systems derive meanings largely from natural elements. Ever since the seminal essay De Quelques Formes Primitives de Classification by Durkheim and Mauss [1903], they have pondered on the social origin of human representations of natural categories (…) trees provide some of the most visible and potent symbols of social process and collective identity.”
(página 1)
RIVAL, Laura, “Trees, from symbols of life and regeneration to political artifacts”
In: RIVAL, Laura (Org.)
(1998) The social life of trees – anthropological perspectives on tree symbolism. Oxford: Berg.